Thursday, February 08, 2007

Anybody want to fight?

Prize fighters fight for a prize. Freedom fighters fight for freedom. Fire fighters fight fire. Crime fighters fight crime.

What does a foo fighter fight?


What is that?


Becca said...

wow, you are certainly making up for lost time...

Chris said...

Allow me.

The term foo fighter was used by Allied aircraft pilots in World War II to describe various UFOs or mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the skies over Europe and the Pacific theatre.

So sayeth Wikipedia.

And yes, Jessica; they do, in point of fact, rock.

katy said...

Wikipedia is one of my very favorite things, Chris. I especially like to look things up about stuff on TV while I'm watching it.

So Matt and I are watching the Glen Miller story and I'm going, "Did you know June Allyson died just this past summer?" "Did you know Harry Morgan is 92 years old?"

Jess actually calls me Wikipedia sometimes.

Yeah, I'm cool.

Anonymous said...

Alright,Wikipedia. Somehow, people that you look up always eend up being related to someone on ER.