Monday, March 13, 2006

Oh, grow up!

We're studying the planets. Why must 6th grade boys snicker everytime I say "Uranus"?


katy said...

We already had this problem with metamorphic rocks - specifically schist!

(Hi David and Helen. Thanks for reading my blog!)

Chris said...

You do realize, of course, that it's not JUST 6th grade boys.

See, I'm snickering even now, and I'm 37. Can't not. Try using these terms around Matt sometime and tell me I'm wrong.

Schist. He he he . . . SEE?!

katy said...

I concur. It's especially fun to say things like, "Uranus has a ring around it" or "Uranus was discovered in 1787" or "Scientists have sent probes to study Uranus."

I know you're laughing, Chris. Enjoy....