Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Twenty years ago today...

I can't believe I'm going to do this. It will prove to be quite embarrassing...


Twenty years ago today was September 27, 1987. Duh. You already know that, right? Well, what you may not know is that twenty years ago today, I was a freshman in high school going to my first homecoming with my first boyfriend, Kelvin Shaw. ... sigh... I liked him. He gave me a necklace. Oh, I can't believe I'm going to do this... OK... brace yourself... here it comes...

AHHHHH! But look how skinny I was. Geesh. I think I weighed like 120 lbs. Oh, and that's our dog, Taffy. She's fetching sticks with Jesus now. I've lost track of Kelvin, but would love to find him again.

Of course, I can't do this without sucking other people into the vortex of embarrassment. Here's my sister and her friend/date/all-around good guy, Tom Thomas.

Awwww. BTW, the reason she is smiling with her mouth closed is because of the braces. Fortunately, those have been removed now and her teeth are quite lovely. Tom has a myspace and we have just recently reconnected. Myspace is good for that.

Now, I didn't mention to you that homecoming also happened to occur on my best friend, Kelly's, 14th birthday. We double dated. It was exciting. Wishing you a big happy 34th, Kel, with this one of you and Jeremy right here...

Nice tie, huh. You gotta love the '80's!

Comment. Or, maybe on second thought, don't.