Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Katy's Quirkiness Challenge

Thought it was time for a little challenge of my own. Here's what you do; list five things about yourself that are unusual, anal or quirky. Try to find things people might not already know about you. Comment away and everyone who reads this is automatically tagged.

Here are mine to start:

  1. I hate to eat on trays. They make me feel institutionalized.
  2. I don't like cottage cheese and tomato juice, respectively, even though I've never tasted either one.
  3. I've always wanted to change my middle name to Elizabeth.
  4. The finality of dropping something in a mailbox bothers me a great deal.
  5. I'm particularly good at spelling and grammar.

So there you have it -- just for fun I guess. I'll blog about deeper things later.


Chris said...

Other names for this challage:

"More Reasons Why You Should Make Fun Of Me"

"Things For Which I Should Probably Seek Help"

Hmmmmm. Will have to think on some of these. I'm betting Jen will have whole LIST for me to post.

Chris said...

For starters, I apparently can't spell "challange".

Becca said...

i think i'm the same way about the mailbox.

what if you did put everything in the letter that was supposed to go in? what if you forgot to put the stamp on? what if you forgot to address it?

there are so many things that you can be OCD about sticking a letter in a mailbox.

Becca said...

where's your sister?

katy said...

Beats me. She promised over the phone the other day that she would blog soon. She is so fired.

I'm glad you share in my mailbox trauma. Not glad for your shared OCD, but glad to not be alone.