Sunday, November 12, 2006

Autumn in my neighborhood...

We had a particularly beautiful autumn this year. I was fortunate to be able to capture some of the brilliant colors before the leaves fell off of the trees. Enjoy...

This is the backyard

These were taken at Micah and Jacob's bus stop...

And THIS is me!

Happy Fall, y'all!


Anonymous said...

Hey Katy...some of my friends are into blogging and I stumbled on yours! I really like reading it. You are an amazing woman who really lead me in the right direction. I am so thankful to know you. Keep in touch if you can.
Kristen Mager Patton!

Anonymous said...

pretty...and the trees look nice too.

get it? 'cause i said pretty and you thought i meant the trees but i was really talking about you and then i said the trees were pretty too...get it? get it?

katy said...

You slay me, Becca!

Hi Kristen! Thanks, you're so sweet. Send me your email address, phone number or something - mine is

Becca said...

you got 2 exclamation points from her.

hahahaa....i just realized that you can really keep score with the exclamation POINTS.


Anonymous said...

My email is, but sometimes my school filters email so send things to

I love your blog! IT so entertains me!!!