Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My son is throwing up...

...which is really a shame because school is cancelled today because of snow. I told Josh that he is wasting a perfectly good snow day and THAT, my friends, is a shame. Seriously, though, he looks quite pitiful and I hope he feels better soon... and that he doesn't pass this to anyone else in the family!


Becca said...

AND it's Valentine's Day...

he really needs to work on his timing.

Melissa said...

Poor Josh, what a way to spend Valentine's Day???
Actually, I feel the same way today, and we are home too, because of the weather. Benefit of working for your church, most everyone you for or with actually cares that you don't slide off the road into a ditch. Of course, there are alway exceptions to those caring people...

Anonymous said...

Whasup chuck?