Monday, October 09, 2006

Jen's Clever Ugly Picture Challenge

Yes, I am a willing participant in my sister's latest brainchild. These are the details in her words:

I hereby challenge you to find the most unflattering picture you have of yourself and post it on your blog.
The rules are:
1. Post an ugly picture of yourself,
2. Don't post ugly pictures of your unsuspecting friends, and
3. Everyone who comments on the Ugly Picture Post must come up with a clever caption that fits your picture.

So here's my picture. It's one I particularly hate. The story is -- my friend Jess had just gotten herself all purdied up at the hair salon and came over to show me. I subsequently looked like crap and we were able to capture the moment forever.


Tag. You're it.


Sandy said...

I think you are beautiful no matter what you think!!

P.S. I'm not participating in this ugly picture thing. No sireeeeee!!!

Jen said...

First of all, not that ugly. But, here's the caption:
"Katy Smokes Her Lunch"

Chris said...

Yeah, you're going to have to give us more to work with here. I shall abstain from commenting until I see a truly unflattering picture.

Becca said...

you all just wait for me to post my picture....

i win....

hands down.

Becca said...

"A sudden blast of hair amazingness (like an industrial strength fan) from Jess sent Katy careening towards the back of the couch."
